Orchestra’s Conductor – democratic competition 26 Apr – 02 May, 2024

The Oradea State Philharmonic, partener of Geros Association, have the honor to present to you the 3rd edition of the International „Orchestra’s Conductor Competition”, which will take place in Oradea, between April 26 and May 2nd 2024. Contestants from all over the world are invited to Oradea, without an age limit. The three finalists will perform in a Concert on May 2nd of 2024.
The new concept belongs to the conductor Cristian Oroșanu, and offers the candidates the unique opportunity to be judged directly by the members of the orchestra, without the presence of an external jury.

Filarmonica de Stat Oradea in parteneriat cu Asociatia Geros, au onoarea de a vă prezenta a treia ediție a Concursului de Dirijori ”Orchestra’s Conductor Competition”, care va avea loc la Oradea în perioada 26 aprilie – 2 mai 2024. Participanti din toata lumea sunt invitati la Oradea, fara limită de vârstă. Cei trei finalisti vor evolua intr-un concert in data de 2 mai 2024.
Noul concept apartine dirijorului Cristian Orosanu si oferă candidaților oportunitatea unică de a fi selectați de către muzicienii orchestrei, fara necesitatea prezentei unui juriu extern.

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